kadang lebih baik diam,
daripada menjelaskan perasaanmu.
karena menyakitkan,
ketika mereka bisa mendengar,
tetapi tidak bisa mengerti.
-Mario Teguh-
"Iya ada yg mau memberikan penawaran lari?"
"Iya, Almitra Indira..."
"Assalamualaikum wr.wb.. 20 keliling a..."
kumpul pagi pertama, 1 tahun yang lalu, lapangan dalam, Kabinet Pionir 2011, pertanyaan pertama, kesan pertama.
Tomorrow , 17 August !!! Every 17th of August we celebrate Indonesia’s Independence Day, so.. Happy Independence Day Indonesia !
Let’s celebrate the 66th Independence day of INDONESIA with full gratitude to God. Continue increase the spirit of nation building!
I don’t know whether or not I have contributed anything to this country, but as I always say, pointless things can actually be important in its own meaningful way ;))
Karena gue selalu yakin, setiap generasi itu pasti punya 'pemuda' nya
-Ghilandy Ramadhan, Ketum Pionir 10/11-
i’m sorry for not caring enough. i’m sorry for not knowing when to shut up, i’m sorry if i hurt you, i’m sorry if i just drift off and stop listening, i’m sorry i let you go, i’m sorry if i’v ever talked about you behind your back, i’m sorry i lied, i’m sorry i can’t always handle the truth, i’m sorry that i sometimes forget things.
i'm sorry.
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